Thursday, September 29, 2011

Plan Graph

My total minutes is 226 divided by 60 and that is about 4 hours. Now i am going to plan what im doing for the next couple of days.
     10/3 - Finish my plan and start creating
     10/4 - Go on creating the song
     10/5 - Keep on creating the song
     10/6- finish the song
      10/7 -make the test
     10/8- Make the students listen to song and take test
     10/9 -Evaluate my results
     10/10- evaluate the project
     10/11- evaluate the project

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Lyrics for Choice # 1 song

Come little kids
sit on your carpet
Because some big fish 
are going to teach you something

The MYP Cycle is the easiest thing
so stop talking and listen carefully
There are four steps Isn't that neat!!
Just listen to this song with a nice little beat

First step is to investigate
This is the part where you dont hesitate
You research everything you need 
And put it on a paper for everybody to read

You Identify the problem
Dont try to solve them
cuz that step is create
and we are not there yet

The next step is to plan
So bring all of your clan
to try to make a plan
to follow for the next few days
until we finish this project

Now we are in create
Hurry up! You dont want to be late
We make the project
and try to be correct
Create create
that will be our fate

Last but not least
is this last piece
Evaluate is the last thing
were we have to think

Give yourself a grade
for all the work you have made
Be honest
Dont give yourself a better grade
if all you have done is stare at a crate

Again the Myp is easy
just dont get queasy

//First come I then comes P
Then comes C with the nice little beat
And the last step is Evaluate
Which is the last thing on your heavy plate//

Try to remeber the steps
by listening to this rap again and again
Learn the song
learn the steps
and you will be the very best

Lyrics 2
the myp is easy
only four seps
investigate plan
create and evaluate
just follow this steps and
you will learn them

 Lyrics 3
Myp isnt hard just
listen to this easy song
there are four steps
that are easy to remember

Monday, September 19, 2011


Audacity is really fun to use and simple too.
    For simplicity I gave it a 5 beause it is so simple to use. Since computers isn't really my thing I am so glad that it is simple. Audacity has a manual which you can go back to if you need help. This is a great program that is easy to use and I didnt really guess that much. It didn't tke me that much time to get the hang of it.It  is an incredible program that it's really easy to use. Even some elementary kids can learn how to use it. Therefore I rate simplicity a 5 beacuse it is really simple to use.
     You put the music and you can change the pitch or the speed. For this I gave it a 4 because it is a good nut sometimes I get confused and I don't know what to do. For example I was putting in a song and when I was going to do that again it didn't let me. I was confused and I had to do a lot of guessing before I got the hang of it. The music is simply but it just needed to be explained better. Therefore I rate music a 4.
    For the price I gave it a 5 because it was free and that is the thing I'm really strict about it. I don't want to buy something that I'm only going to use one time. So it was free therefore I gave it a 5. It is actually an easy five to get beacause all it had to be was free. This is an easy five so if it was free I gave it a 5. I gave it a 5 just because i was free.
     For entertainment I gave it a 5 because using Audacity is really fun and kind of easy to use. I actually think that using Audacity is really entertaining and a lot of work to do. It's kind of cool to fool around saying wahtever on the microphone, but since we are going to start working soon I won't fool around with it. I gave this a 5 because this is entertaining.


Wavosaur is one of the options that I saw that it was useful. Also I  read the description and it sounded pretty convincing and easy to use. 
      For Simplicity I rated it a 4. The reason I gave it a 4 was that it was simple, but it kind of confused me too. Since I'm not that good in technology I thought at first that it will be okay but I still needed to check Audacity. I actually need help on this kind of project and I wouldn't want to bother someone helping me. Also for wavosaur  I did't know how to use it a lot I had to guess most of the time, but at the end I kind of got the hang of it. Still I don't want to guess on this whole project, so I will probably have second thoughts if I use this.  Still it's a great resource except that I don't really understand it. That it's why I gave it a 4.
            This is a easy 5 because I was going to evaluate based on if it was free or if you had to buy it. For the price I gave it a 5 because it is free and I wouldn't want to buy something that I might use for one project only. I rated it a 5 because it was free and free is good because you don't pay for it. Some other programs gave you a free trial, but then you have to buy it later. I will probably need these programs for about two months or more depending if I finish it earlier . I gave it a 5 because it is free. It's as simply as that.
      So for the music you choose it and edit it or do whatever you want with them. I gave it a 3 because it's supposed to be simply, but since I'm not that good with computer I had a little more trouble understanding it.  I didn't know how to use it so again I had to guess. I don't like guessing because your not really sure on what you are doing. I want to do good on this project and I won't guess on it. I will probably not use this because  I don't understand it well. I gave it a 3 due to all the amount of guessing I had to do. This criteria actually ruined and damaged my view of this program.
     For entertainment I gave it a 4 because it is entertaining and fun to do except I don't know how to use it. Again if I'm guessing the 6th grader will probably not learn anything due to all the guessing I did. If I don't know what I'm doing neither will the 6th grader. This program is entertaining to use and fun to experiment that is why I gave it a 5.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today I decided I am going to make a rap song and the two tools I found that are useful are Audacity and Wavosaur.  Both are really useful tools and can really help me record the song. I still need to research both to find out what more they can do. I think that I might use Audacity because when I was browsing the webpages I saw that it looked more simply than Wavosaur. I saw that both were free.Also you could use it on a PC and a Mac so I can use it here and I can use it home. Knowing that I know that I wont have an excuse for not doing my work.  I haven't actually tested the out, so I don't know their capacity.
          At home I will try to make a sample so that I can actually decide what to use. I will probably use Audacity because Im not really good at this and from what I saw Audacity is much more simply than Wavosaur.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
I will explain to a 6th grader what the design cycle is all about by creating a presentation. 
Since you need the design cycle for almost everything. For example you will need it to build a car. More 6th graders will understand the design cycle and they will be more organized.
I can teach them and explain to them the design cycle.

 We are in the same school so we need to know this so that the school can be a better place.
When i teach the 6th graders the design cycle they will understand it and then they will teach other students. I will blog & post my information instead of putting it in paper.  Design cycle is a procedure that helps you create your project correctly.

There are four parts of the design cycle. The four parts are Investigate,Plan, Create, Design, Evaluate. You follow these steps to make the project well and for it to be correctly. The investigation part you have to research what your project will be about. For Plan you have to actually tell what you are going to do.

I am going to make a rap song explaining the design cycle to the 6th graders. It will be kind of simple and they will get the point.

 The requirements for this assignment is to make three designs and choose the best one.
 The limitations for this part is that I'm not using the music yet just the lyrics.
I will reread the lyrics and I will choose the best of the three. Also I might ask an opinion from my friends. I can also add some music to see which one sounds better.

It will be simple for the student to understand.
After playing the song for a few times they will understand the design cycle better.
Will be about 2-2:30 minutes long.
I will give a survey and the questions will be about the design cycle. 
Also I will analyze the survey due to the amount of questions answered correctly. 
They should get about 7 or 8 questions right.